Grains & Grasses

Ryegrass - Key Growing Information

Scientific Name: Lolium multiflorum
Uses: A fast-growing grass used to provide "quick green," for erosion control, and as a cover crop. Germinates and establishes more quickly than Winter Rye. Can grow in challenging/droughty conditions. Winter hardiness may vary depending on the harshness of the season and snow cover.
Culture: Plant seeds shallowly, either broadcast on the soil surface or drilled at ½" deep. If broadcast, ensure adequate moisture to allow seed to germinate properly. Sow any time spring through early fall.
Seeding Rate: ½–1 lb./1,000 sq.ft.; 15–30 lb./acre. Combined with a legume, seed ryegrass at ⅓ and clover at ⅔ of the monocultural rates.
Light/Soil Requirements: Prefers full sun, medium-to-high soil fertility, and good drainage, but will grow in almost any soil type. Tolerates flooding. Ideal pH is 6.0–7.0.
Height: 24–36"
Harvest: Green manure: Plow or disk in during early bloom, before seed is set. Suppression of crops can occur following ryegrass, due to temporary tie-up of nitrogen in the soil. To avoid suppression, do not seed the crop following ryegrass until at least 3–4 weeks after tilling under.
Termination: Tillage during the vegetative stage can be effective but may require multiple passes to ensure complete termination. Tarping for 2–3 weeks can be effective, especially during warmer months. Terminate prior to seed set, as ryegrass can become weedy. Winter hardiness is variety dependent and will vary from year to year.