Cover crops between rows on the Johnny's Research Farm

Top 10 Uses for Cover Crops & Farm Seed

Above: A cover crop mix of annual ryegrass and clovers between rows of Brassicas on the Johnny's Research Farm.

Applications & Benefits For the Sustainable Farm

Strategic use of farm seed is an investment in the land that pays dividends in the form of greater long-term productivity and sustainability. With rich potential for a diversity of applications, farm seed and cover crops control erosion, add organic matter, conserve moisture, and support the integrity of soil and watershed ecology. By growing your own inputs, you economize on fertilizers, animal feed, and hay mulch, while improving the overall health of your livestock, soils, crops, the food you sell and, ultimately, the surrounding environment.

10 Recommended Farm Seed Uses

Of the many ways to incorporate farm seed into your operation, here are the top 10 applications and their key benefits.

Green Manure
Replenish organic matter and nutrients to the soil while enhancing soil structure.
Erosion Control (Cover Crops)
Hold the soil in place and minimize weather impact between primary crop harvests.
Nitrogen Fixation
Increase yields and reduce fertilizer costs by planting crops that add nitrogen to the soil.
Compaction Control
Develop and maintain optimal soil profile by breaking up deep layers of compacted soil.
Weed Suppression
Plant smother crops to reduce herbicide and labor costs and improve soil health.
Grain Production
Diverse uses for grains include mulching, crop rotation, livestock and human nutrition.
Pest Management
Improve marketable yield by incorporating crops that release glucosinolates into the soil.
Reduce costs and improve animal health by growing your own livestock feed and pasture.
Beneficial Insectaries
Attract bees and other beneficial insect populations to improve pollination/fruit set, and for pest control.
Biomass/Organic Matter
Plant recommended biomass crops for their potential to produce a high volume of organic matter.

Cover Crop & Farm Seed Comparison Chart

Use our Cover Crop & Farm Seed Comparison Chart to compare our product selection, including our recommendations for:

  • Sowing Season
  • Hardiness Zone
  • Seeding Rates
  • Recommended Uses

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