A large bouquet of flowers, grown from our snapdragon varieties. The colors are maroon, peach, yellow, pink, and white.


69 Products
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Refined all-season series for field or greenhouse growing.
Unique, double petal Azalea-type cut flower with a Victorian look.
Unique, double petal Azalea-type cut flower with a Victorian look.
Refined berry-colored blend for field or greenhouse.
Refined all-season series for field or greenhouse growing.
Unique, double petal Azalea-type cut flower with a Victorian look.
Unique, double petal azalea-type cut flower with a Victorian look.
Unique, double petal Azalea-type cut flower with a Victorian look.
Unique, double petal azalea-type cut flower with a Victorian look.
Pale blush-pink for spring and fall production.
The standard choice for field-cut snaps.
Early mix for spring and summer production.
Soft pink snapdragons for short-day production.
Lavender snapdragons for short-day production.
Vibrant, orange-bronze summer snapdragon.
Early, fiery-colored blend for field or greenhouse.
Versatile Group 1–2 snapdragon.
Pure white snapdragons for short-day production.