Phacelia Flower Seed
Phacelia Flower Seed
Multipurpose flowering crop.
Most commonly seeded in mass plantings, or as an annual cover crop with nectar-rich blooms to attract and support beneficial and pollinator insects. An excellent, fast-growing, easy-to-grow source of nectar for honeybee forage. Tolerant of low water conditions and poor soils. Used as a cover crop, will winterkill at 18°F (-8°C) — residue breaks down relatively quickly. Furled, lavender-colored flowers with tall, sturdy stems are sometimes used as a cut flower, adding a casual, wildflower look to bouquets. Also commonly known as bee's friend, lacy phacelia, blue tansy, purple tansy, and lacy scorpion-weed. Relative of borage and native to the United States and Mexico. For mass plantings or cover crop, sow at 3 oz./1,000 sq.ft. or 7 lb./acre.Specs:
7-14 days at 55-68°F (13-20°C)SOWING:
Direct seed (recommended) - Sow seed thinly in rows, 6 seeds per ft., 1/8- 1/4" deep as soon as soil can be worked. For mass plantings or cover crop, sow at 3 oz./1,000 sq.ft. or 7 lb./acre. Germinates best when sown into cool soil. Keep soil surface moist until emergence. Make 2-3 successive sowings, 2 weeks apart, for continuous blooms through the season.LIGHT PREFERENCE:
Fresh - When flowers are just beginning to open.SOIL REQUIREMENTS:
Most any well drained soil.USES:
Attracts and supports beneficial insects in garden beds and borders and when used as a cover crop. Productive nectar crop for honeybee forage. Casual cut flower.SCIENTIFIC NAME: Phacelia tanacetifoliaALTERNATE NAMES:
Lacy phacelia, blue tansy, purple tansyJohnny's is committed to your success, every step of the way.
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