Oscar Asclepias Seed

Product ID:1794.111794

Quick Facts

Latin Name

Asclepias physocarpa

Days To Maturity

Days To Maturity

Average number of days from seeding date to harvest, within a specific crop group. If a transplanted crop: average number of days from transplant date. Not sure if crop is direct-seeded or transplanted? Check the Growing Information box for details. If crop can be both direct-seeded or transplanted, days to maturity refers to direct seeding. Days to maturity for all flowers and herbs is calculated from seeding date.


120 - 130 days

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

Plants can be Annuals (single growing season), Perennials (grow year after year), Tender Perennials (grow year after year in warmer climates; and in some cases when given special protection in colder climates), or Biennials (require two years to mature).


Tender Perennial

Hybrid Status

Hybrid Status

Hybrid: The offspring of a cross between two or more distinct parent lines, usually of same species, and selected for improved traits.
Open-pollinated: A non-hybrid variety that can reproduce itself in kind, demonstrating relatively stable traits from one generation to the next.


Open Pollinated

Product Features

Product Features

Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets
Variety good for fresh cut-flower displays.
Ideal for Drying and Crafts Ideal for Drying and Crafts
Variety is excellent for creating dried flowers.
Attracts Beneficial Insects Attracts Beneficial Insects
Variety attracts and supports pollinators and/or insects that prey on garden pests.

Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets Ideal for Drying and Crafts Attracts Beneficial Insects

Oscar Asclepias Seed

Product ID:1794.111794

Unusual and abundant cut flower.

Sturdy, gracefully arched branches with neat, bamboo-like foliage. White flowers with lavender-colored centers develop into large, papery seed pods. Plants are grown primarily for their 2–3" decorative seed pods, but the big, sturdy plants also make a vigorous and attractive addition to flower beds and borders. Excellent for large arrangements, dried arrangements, or alone as a centerpiece. Seed pods maintain lime-green color and balloon-like form when dried. Perennial in Zones 9–11. Also known as hairy balls, swan plant, swan milkweed, and balloon plant.


  • Plant Height: 32–72"
  • Packet: 50 seeds
  • Avg. 4,700 seeds/oz

All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested. The milky sap of this plant may cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals. Exercise caution when harvesting. The purchaser assumes all liability relating to the use of this product.

Johnny's Recommended Substitute

Vibrant show of color, summer through frost.

Quick Facts

Latin Name

Asclepias physocarpa

Days To Maturity

Days To Maturity

Average number of days from seeding date to harvest, within a specific crop group. If a transplanted crop: average number of days from transplant date. Not sure if crop is direct-seeded or transplanted? Check the Growing Information box for details. If crop can be both direct-seeded or transplanted, days to maturity refers to direct seeding. Days to maturity for all flowers and herbs is calculated from seeding date.


120 - 130 days

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

Plants can be Annuals (single growing season), Perennials (grow year after year), Tender Perennials (grow year after year in warmer climates; and in some cases when given special protection in colder climates), or Biennials (require two years to mature).


Tender Perennial

Hybrid Status

Hybrid Status

Hybrid: The offspring of a cross between two or more distinct parent lines, usually of same species, and selected for improved traits.
Open-pollinated: A non-hybrid variety that can reproduce itself in kind, demonstrating relatively stable traits from one generation to the next.


Open Pollinated

Product Features

Product Features

Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets
Variety good for fresh cut-flower displays.
Ideal for Drying and Crafts Ideal for Drying and Crafts
Variety is excellent for creating dried flowers.
Attracts Beneficial Insects Attracts Beneficial Insects
Variety attracts and supports pollinators and/or insects that prey on garden pests.

Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets Ideal for Drying and Crafts Attracts Beneficial Insects

  • This product does not ship to the following countries: United Arab Emirates,  Austria,  Australia,  Barbados,  Belgium,  Bulgaria,  Bermuda,  Bahamas,  Switzerland,  Cyprus,  Czech Republic,  Germany,  Denmark,  Estonia,  Spain,  Finland,  France,  United Kingdom,  Greece,  Hong Kong,  Croatia,  Hungary,  Ireland,  Iceland,  Italy,  Japan,  Republic of Korea,  Kuwait,  Cayman Islands,  Lithuania,  Luxembourg,  Latvia,  Malta,  Netherlands,  Norway,  New Zealand,  Oman,  Poland,  Portugal,  Qatar,  Romania,  Saudi Arabia,  Sweden,  Singapore,  Slovenia,  Slovakia,  San Marino,  Thailand,  Trinidad and Tobago,  Taiwan,  Ukraine.
  • This product does not ship to the following states and jurisdictions: HI.


14-21 days at 65-70°F (18-21°C). Stratification for Pleurisy Root only: Moisten,cover with plastic, and refrigerate at 40-50°F (4-10°C) for 7-14 days. After stratification, seeds should be brought into warmer temperatures to germinate.


Transplant (recommended) - Sow 7-9 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/4" deep into a seed starting mix. Begins taproot growth upon germination. Do not allow to become pot bound at any time as plants will deteriorate rapidly. Transplant into larger cell packs or 3-4" pots 3-5 weeks after sowing. Harden off and transplant outdoors after the last frost. Direct seed - Can be direct sown in the fall or spring.










1/2 to 2/3 of flowers are open. If stems wilt after harvest, rehydrate in water for 24 hours. CAUTION: Milky sap may cause eye and skin irritation.


Well-drained, sandy loam to poor soil.


Cut flower. Borders, containers, and butterfly gardens.


Asclepias spp.

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