A bouquet of cut flowers, including blue, yellow, pink, and red flowers and unique grasses and cut flower fillers.

Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets

717 Products
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Scented French heirloom carnation for cutting garden with vintage look.
Medicinal plant with striking blooms.
Large-flowering zinnias in organic seed.
Dark purple Italian Large Leaf type with high yields and great flavor.
Vigorous blooms add wildflower look, spicy citrus scent to bouquets.
Cut flower and butterfly habitat.
Compact plants with small, heart-shaped leaves.
Tall, first-year flowering perennial in a wide range of colors.
Elegant and uniform blooms atop tall and strong, slender stems.
Artichoke-flavored leaf stalks and large purple flowers.
Medicinal plant with striking blooms.
Red seed heads, a mix of all the reds our supplier has to offer.
Perennial plant with ornamental blue globes.
Vigorous hybrids feature pollenless, uniform, high-quality flowers.
Productive, easy-to-grow greenery.
Blooms reminiscent of antique tea roses, in main season flowering group.
Classic cornflowers. Rich color, almost black.
Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements.
Bite-size for use as edible garnish.
Versatile sunflower with sunny, shaggy blooms for field or container.
Ten days earlier to bloom than the standard Sunrich Series.
Early-blooming and vigorous variety developed especially for cutting.
Early, fiery-colored blend for field or greenhouse.
Excellent series for cut-flower production.
Excellent series for cut-flower production.