A bouquet of cut flowers, including blue, yellow, pink, and red flowers and unique grasses and cut flower fillers.

Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets

717 Products
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Most widely grown variety with good leaf, flower, and seed yields.
Tall, strong stems for cut flowers.
Premium, reliable florist quality.
Unique pearly gray-lavender blooms.
Elegant and uniform blooms atop tall and strong, slender stems.
Large-flowering zinnias in organic seed.
Prolific filler flower that is easy to grow and harvest.
Versatile blooms in rich cranberry-red.
Productive accent flower for fresh and dried arrangements.
Blooms reminiscent of antique tea roses, in main season flowering group.
Large-flowering zinnias in organic seed.
White double flowers and decorative seed pods for fresh/dried bouquets.
Large silvery blue-green leaves appear to be strung on the stem.
The largest and tallest type of quaking grass.
Excellent series for cut-flower production.
First and most abundant to bloom in our trials.
Elegant and uniform blooms on tall and strong, slender stems.
Old-fashioned mix with vigorous plants.
Versatile single stems, very uniform in bloom time and stem length.
Large, decadent, ruffled blooms for early spring to summer harvest.