Close up of ornamental kale, one of the varieties we recommend planting in summer for a fall harvest.

Summer Planting for Fall Harvest

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Gorgeous reddish-bronze color, vigorous, uniform, and slow to bolt.
Red butterhead with impressive disease package.
Unique two-tone bloom color and excellent stem quality.
Excellent for baby broccoli sales, our recommended sub for Atlantis.
Earlier single-stem, double blooms.
The true Johnny jump-up, also known as heart's ease.
Southern growers prefer this variety for winter production.
Little Gem-type with smooth leaves that form true mini heads.
Dark red leaves for all seasons.
Disease-resistant green Batavia for baby leaf.
Downy mildew resistance.
Pastel-pink flowers on sturdy stems.
Upright deep maroon radicchio, very attractive and impressively early.
Aromatic leaves are a substitute for French tarragon.
Versatile single stems, very uniform in bloom time and stem length.
Versatile single stems, very uniform in bloom time and stem length.
The perfect bunching beet at any size.
Workhorse standard red beet; reliable, adaptable, and fast-maturing.
Great-tasting traditional Korean type.
Dark green, deeply lobed leaves on upright plant for easier harvest.
Medium-size leaf, highly uniform.
Chinese specialty with purple flower stems, buds, mild mustard taste.
Uniquely-colored blooms all season long.
Premium, reliable florist quality.
Bright red Lollo type with good head size, frilly, fan-shaped leaves.
Livestock can feed all winter on high-energy, high-protein roots.
All yellow stems and leaf veins, for baby-leaf or full-size bunches.
Dependable main season carrot.
Late maturing for fresh market or processing.
Unique, 1 1/2–2" flowers, named for the famous Dutch Delft blue pottery.
Medium-size leaf, highly uniform.