Calvin's Snap Peas Pea Seed

Product ID:calvins_peas_pscalvins_peas_ps

Calvin's Snap Peas Pea Seed

Product ID:calvins_peas_pscalvins_peas_ps

Beautiful multicolor mix.

An eye-catching trio of snap pea varieties, years in the making. A beautiful mix, including Sugar Snap (green), Honey Snap II (yellow), and Royal Snap II (purple). These three varieties represent pea breeding at its finest. Our superior strain of the classic ‘Sugar Snap’ pea is the result of an ongoing breeding collaboration with the family of Dr. Calvin Lamborn, who bred the original strain in 1979. Together, we painstakingly reselected to produce an improved strain that maintained the integrity of Calvin’s original release. Honey Snap II and Royal Snap II, also from the Lamborn family, are the tastiest and most beautiful strains of golden-yellow and purple snap peas we have trialed. Complementary colors purple and yellow pop visually when combined, and the green provides a nice balance. Sure to be a winner at market and on the plate.

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Sugar Snap Pea Seed

Product ID:558.31calvins_peas_ps
Most flavorful snap variety.

58 Days

5 out of 5 Customer Rating

Royal Snap II Pea Seed

Product ID:4115.11calvins_peas_ps
Rich purple color from the breeder of Sugar Snap.

58 Days

5 out of 5 Customer Rating

Honey Snap II Pea Seed

Product ID:4114.11calvins_peas_ps
Golden yellow color from the breeder of Sugar Snap.

58 Days

4.7 out of 5 Customer Rating