Berry box filled with golden raspberries grown from one of the variety of live plants offered by Johnny's.

Plants, Bulbs & Spawn

83 Products
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Excellent all-purpose potatoes from a widely adapted variety.
Excellent all-purpose potatoes from a widely adapted variety.
Harvest fresh raspberries all season with a collection of 3 varieties.
Collection of three easy-to-grow varieties for an extended harvest.
Early bulb onions from spring planting.
Day-neutral strawberry yields very large berries with excellent flavor.
Purple skin, white flesh, and a unique flavor profile.
Mid/late-season variety, known for great flavor.
Purple fingerling that retains its rich color when boiled.
Pink fingerling with bicolor flesh and gourmet flavor.
Perennial sales with minimal effort, a great value-added product.
Early/midseason variety with high yields over a long harvest season.
Midseason summer-bearing variety with few thorns and high yields.
Short-day for southern growers only, grown as Vidalia type in Georgia.
Unique, everbearing variety with excellent flavor.
Midseason everbearing variety with fantastic flavor.
Early everbearing, the best variety for areas with early fall frosts.
Very early summer-bearing, for starting the harvest season sooner.
Mid/late-season everbearing variety with large yellow berries.
Hardy midseason, summer-bearing variety.
Early-season variety yields large berries.
Medicinal Native American root.
Late-season variety for extended harvest and fresh market sales.
Mid/late summer-bearing, fills harvest gap between standard varieties.
Dark red skin, excellent storage.
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Excellent cooking quality in this early, abundant producer.
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Early bulb onions for overwintering.
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