Bouquet of flowers in orange, coral, and pink.


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Dwarf, branching plants loaded with red and gold flowers.
Sturdy, uniform plants with strong stems.
Versatile sunflower with sunny, shaggy blooms for field or container.
Rich color and good stem quality.
Classic variety, now with downy mildew resistance.
Single-stem sunflower with refined appearance and sturdy flower heads.
Sturdy, uniform plants with strong stems.
Refined all-season series for field or greenhouse growing.
Easy-to-grow cosmos for gardens and pollinator plantings.
Large-flowering zinnias in organic seed.
Mid-sized blooms in shades of orange.
Disease-resistant, compact, dwarf plants for garden beds and containers.
Disease-resistant, compact, dwarf plants for garden beds and containers.
Showy orange flowers that attract butterflies and bees.