A bundle of east Indian lemon grass stalks.

Medicinal Herbs

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Clear bright orange blooms reminiscent of gerberas.
Standard variety for use as a digestive aid and gentle sleep inducer.
A true Greek oregano with strong aroma and flavor.
The standard winter-hardy thyme with good flavor and yields.
Sweetly aromatic everlasting used in wreaths and as a bouquet filler.
Mint flavor and aroma in abundance.
A staple of the herb garden.
Edible bright lavender blooms with a spicy scent, a nectar plant.
Vigorous, high-yielding perennial. Flowers are very attractive to bees.
Improved, high-yielding variety with high essential oil content.
Distinct lemon flavor for teas and salads, flowers attracts bees.
Common variety in a compact plant.
The standard winter-hardy thyme with good flavor and yields.