Cherry tomatoes growing in a pot.

Grows Well in Containers

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Compact, dome-shaped Greek basil.
Fast-growing, classic Genovese. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Large, deeply lobed and flat silvery leaves for elegant bouquet filler.
Easy-to-grow cosmos for gardens and pollinator plantings.
Compact English lavender with a nice range of bloom colors.
One-of-a-kind fern-leaf parsley.
Elegant fresh or dried flower with masses of white, nodding plumes.
Attractive, uniform lettuce-leaf type with ruffled, puckered leaves.
Medium-size leaf, highly uniform.
Alpine strawberries from seed, day-neutral and a gourmet treat.
Beautiful basil with huge leaves.
Spicy aroma with hints of coffee and chocolate, a mild spice flavor.
Small, dome-shaped plants with fine leaves, perfect for pots or beds.
Elegant nodding, ivory blooms sit on tall, sturdy stems.
Early and sweet mini bell, partners well with Eros for beautiful duo.