A bouquet of edible flowers grown from Johnny's edible flower seeds.

Edible Flowers

233 Products
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Refined all-season series for field or greenhouse growing.
Refined all-season series for field or greenhouse growing.
Refined all-season series for field or greenhouse growing.
Premium, reliable florist quality.
Classic cornflowers in blue, pink, red, and white.
Refined all-season series for field or greenhouse growing.
Trendy bloom color and excellent stem quality.
Heaviest leaf for processing and freezing.
Bite-size for use as edible garnish.
Edible flower with mild cucumber flavor attracts bees and butterflies.
Standard salad arugula for salad mix and bunching.
Premium, reliable florist quality.
Spectacular mix of colors with bicolor petals.
Premium, reliable florist quality.
Bite-size for use as edible garnish.