A close-up shot of greens from one of our easy-to-grow seed mixes.

Easy Choice

218 Products
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Early, attractive Korean melon.
Disease-resistant, compact, dwarf plants for garden beds and containers.
Large, early ripening, fresh market beefsteak with excellent flavor.
First and most abundant to bloom in our trials.
Extra-early workhouse variety with great-looking rib and big handle.
The best determinate for hoophouse growing; very high yield potential.
Early, delicious, attractive cherry tomatoes.
The best container variety, ideal for small-space gardening.
Great flavor, either fresh in salads and salsa or cooked into sauce.
More vigorous, higher yielding Brandywine type with excellent flavor.
First and most abundant to bloom in our trials.
Mid-size slicer bred for earliness, disease resistance, and flavor.
Extra-early, highly-productive standard well adapted to cool climates.
Late blight resistant salad tomato with excellent flavor, high yields.
Early, easy-to-grow celosia adds sparkle to bouquets.
Our superior strain of this classic, long-day Italian OP.
Labor-saving, upright plants.
Big, mild white onions from a widely-adapted day-neutral variety.
Highly uniform and refined curled parsley variety.
Our most prolific plum with very good flavor, bred for organic systems.
Exceptionally long-storing yellow onion.
Tall, strong stems for cut flowers.
Nearly perfect pink heirloom-type.
Productive accent flower for fresh and dried arrangements.
Delicious pink cherry tomato with leaf mold resistance.
Regular winner in our on-farm taste tests for its sweet, juicy flesh.
Excellent eating quality from storage; performs well under stress.
Early-blooming and vigorous variety developed especially for cutting.
Good flavor and mildew tolerance.
Our favorite traditional Boston type with thick, crisp leaves.