Ladybug on a white flower.

Attracts Beneficial Insects

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Uniform, slender leaves ideal for fresh use.
Best blue forget-me-not for cut flowers.
Vigorous leaf production and sweet flavor.
Heaviest leaf for processing and freezing.
Elegant and uniform blooms on tall and strong, slender stems.
High-yielding sunflower for edible gray-striped seeds and bird food.
Elegant and uniform blooms atop tall and strong, slender stems.
Most widely grown variety with good leaf, flower, and seed yields.
Outstanding cut flower that is also good for bee forage.
Thin, flat leaves, delicate garlic flavor, and attractive flowers.
Classic filler in harmonious colors.
Vigorous, high-yielding perennial. Flowers are very attractive to bees.
Edible flower with mild cucumber flavor attracts bees and butterflies.
Developed especially for cutting.
A formula mix of our favorite varieties.