Mixed flower bouquet in antique colors.

Antique Shades

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Stunning color for market flowers and sophisticated design work.
Versatile and elegant blooms in a shade between rose gold and copper.
Unique pearly gray-lavender blooms.
Attractive mix of pastel and rose shades.
Popular colors, suitable for small bouquets and design work.
Unique coral-pink tassels have a great presence in arrangements.
Unique and popular apricot and coral shades.
Vigorous plants produce abundant, artful blooms.
Trendy bloom color and excellent stem quality.
Glowing color blend of ruffled blooms.
Pale lilac-pink delphinium for spring or fall arrangements.
Productive filler shimmers in arrangements, provides textural element.
Deep mahogany-red foliage for cutting and garden accent.
Productive plants and strong, stiff stems.
Large, decadent, ruffled blooms for early spring to summer harvest.
Elegant and uniform blooms atop tall and strong, slender stems.
Large, decadent, ruffled blooms for early spring to summer harvest.
The largest and tallest type of quaking grass.
Elegant fresh or dried flower with masses of white, nodding plumes.
Outstanding tarnished-copper to plum-colored flowers.
Light, sweet flavor for teas and cooking.
Novel blooms with slightly ruffled petals and outstanding color.
Clematis-flowered columbine.
Unique, popular apricot and coral shades.
Popular shell-pink color.