One of our red zinnia varieties, shown growing in the field.

Annual Flowers

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Mahogany red flowers with orange tips and a dark disk.
Rich red blooms on sturdy plants.
Downy mildew resistance and improved appearance.
Large, pure white blooms on strong stems.
Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements.
Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements.
Well-known mix of singles and doubles.
Bright salmon color with low susceptibility to powdery mildew.
4–6" flowers are deep red with brown disks.
Exciting addition to the ProCut series.
Best orange gomphrena for cut flowers.
Wide color range and sturdy, uniform plants with strong stems.
Excellent vase life and low susceptibility to powdery mildew.
Unusual double blooms supported by strong stems.
Novelty, scabiosa-type blooms with unique color and distinct dark eye.
Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements.
Darkest red amaranth in our trials, ideal for summer/fall arrangements.
Novel cosmos resemble fluted cupcake wrappers.