One of our red zinnia varieties, shown growing in the field.

Annual Flowers

536 Products
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Sophisticated color combination in a classic cut flower.
Most widely grown variety with good leaf, flower, and seed yields.
Early-blooming and vigorous variety developed especially for cutting.
Color innovation in a professional-quality, single-stem sunflower.
Stunning color for market flowers and sophisticated design work.
Rich red blooms on sturdy plants.
Attractive and intensely flavorful sweet-and-tangy lemon basil.
Unique and elegant color, fades from deep cranberry to antique rose.
Exciting addition to the ProCut series.
Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements.
Large, pure white blooms on strong stems.
Downy mildew resistance and improved appearance.
Mahogany red flowers with orange tips and a dark disk.
4–6" flowers are deep red with brown disks.
Well-known mix of singles and doubles.