One of our red zinnia varieties, shown growing in the field.

Annual Flowers

536 Products
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First and most abundant to bloom in our trials.
Easy-to-grow grass with a unique look, a great textural element.
Excellent cut for its vibrant color and across-the-board uniformity.
Highly uniform, healthy, productive plants.
Developed especially for cutting.
First and most abundant to bloom in our trials.
The largest and tallest type of quaking grass.
Prolific filler with drooping habit, an elegant bouquet addition.
Brilliant blue flowers and decorative seed pods for fresh/dried bouquets.
Sweet-scented cut flower with stiff stems and delicate appearance.
Lavender and cream blooms on vigorous plants.
Innovative colors, high-quality performance.
Sweet-scented cut flower with stiff stems and delicate appearance.