One of our red zinnia varieties, shown growing in the field.

Annual Flowers

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Early, prolific white cosmos with unique tufted centers.
Needle- or quilled-type blooms are a unique addition to bouquets.
Prolific filler with drooping habit, an elegant bouquet addition.
Large, decadent, ruffled blooms for early spring to summer harvest.
Robust, branching plants with fully-double, bright lemon-yellow blooms.
Developed especially for cutting.
The standard choice for field-cut snaps.
Unusual double blooms supported by strong stems.
An absolute must for the cutting garden.
Dark purple Italian Large Leaf type with high yields and great flavor.
Blooms reminiscent of antique tea roses, in main season flowering group.
Versatile single stems, very uniform in bloom time and stem length.
Sturdy bronze-colored plumes give tapestry-like effect to arrangements.