One of our red zinnia varieties, shown growing in the field.

Annual Flowers

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Cut flower kale with lovely, rich color for autumn bouquets.
Sturdy, uniform plants with strong stems.
Elegant and uniform blooms atop tall and strong, slender stems.
Sweetly aromatic everlasting used in wreaths and as a bouquet filler.
Large, decadent, ruffled blooms for early spring to summer harvest.
Excellent series for cut-flower production.
Double and semidouble apricot blooms.
Cheerful companion to Teddy Bear.
Huge 3–5" blooms on vigorous plants.
Prolific crested-type celosia, a proven workhorse in the garden.
Excellent series for cut-flower production.
Blooms reminiscent of antique tea roses, in main season flowering group.
Productive and easy to grow and harvest.
Premium, reliable florist quality.