One of our red zinnia varieties, shown growing in the field.

Annual Flowers

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Versatile and elegant blooms in a shade between rose gold and copper.
Preferred series for tall, uniform plants and stems.
Novel cosmos that resemble fluted cupcake wrappers.
Unique, bright-rose-colored gomphrena for cut flowers.
Productive accent flower for fresh and dried arrangements.
Ruby red flowers that hold their petals, strong side stems for cutting.
First purple basil with resistance to downy mildew and Fusarium.
Perfect for hanging baskets and containers, or even as a ground cover.
Prolific and easy-to-grow filler flowers from a heat-loving plant.
Medium-size blooms, excellent vase life, less prone to powdery mildew.
Apricot-rose blooms on long stems.
Authentic Thai basil flavor.
Unusual double blooms supported by strong stems.
Red petals with lemon tips and a dark disk.
Add color and scent to your bouquets with basil.