High Tunnel Hoop Bender – 12' Quick Hoops™

Product ID:9018.09018

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Product Features

Developed by Johnny's Developed by Johnny's
Seeds and tools that are bred or developed by Johnny's Selected Seeds.

Developed by Johnny's

High Tunnel Hoop Bender – 12' Quick Hoops™

Product ID:9018.09018

Protect your crops and extend your season early in the spring and late in the fall.

Bend your own hoops to create a 12'-wide, 7' or 8 1/2'-high tunnel of any desired length out of locally available 1 3/8" chain link fence top rail. Includes extensive illustrated instructions on how we built our own walk-in caterpillar-style tunnels as well as traditional coverings with roll-up sides and end walls. Also included with the bender, which mounts to any solid horizontal surface (picnic table, bench, hay wagon, etc.), is a lever bar for added leverage when "finishing" the bend.

Quick Facts

Product Features

Product Features

Developed by Johnny's Developed by Johnny's
Seeds and tools that are bred or developed by Johnny's Selected Seeds.

Developed by Johnny's

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