Johnny's mini-broccoli varieties bunched and displayed on a cutting board: three green varieties and one purple variety.

Mini Broccoli

14 Products
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Favorite multi-cut, open-pollinated Italian heirloom for spring/fall.
Easy, attractive bunches of mini broccoli.
Vigorous mini broccoli for successful summer crops and sweeter flavor.
The most versatile broccoli raab for growing throughout the season.
Abundant, concentrated yields of beautiful purple side shoots.
Our most tender, flavorful mini broccoli.
Heat-tolerant choi sum for "cut and come again" harvest.
Attractive, flavorful, and reliable sprouting cauliflower.
Excellent for baby broccoli sales, our recommended sub for Atlantis.
Early variety for spring and summer sales.

All mini broccolis are excellent for bunching and specialty broccoli sales. They are delicious steamed, sautéed, grilled, stir-fried, and eaten fresh.

Mini Broccoli Types

There are two general categories of mini broccoli: early/summer sprouting and late/winter sprouting.

  • Early Sprouting (Summer Sprouting):

    This group includes both gailon and broccoli x gailon crosses. 100% gailon types (we offer ‘Melody’ and ‘Noble Jade’) are more tender and sweet than gailon X broccoli types, but have a shorter harvest period. Gailon is also known as Kailaan and Chinese kale.
  • Late Sprouting (Winter Sprouting):

    We offer ‘Bonarda’, a purple late sprouting broccoli, for overwintering in the Maritimes and the Mid-Atlantic. ‘Bonarda’ is a true biennial and needs to be fully vernalized.
  • Additional types:

    Crops that can be grown and marketed like mini broccoli include: broccoli raab and choi sum. Our broccoli raab variety is ‘Spring Raab’ and our choi sum is ‘Green 70 D Improved’.

How to Grow Mini Broccoli

For growing guidance, we offer the following: