Grafting varieties with desirable fruiting qualities to more vigorous, disease-resistant rootstocks is a cost-effective method for growers to overcome many disease and production-related issues. Grafting can improve overall crop health and vigor, reduce or eliminate the need for pesticide application, lengthen harvest duration, and significantly increase net income. We offer the essential grafting supplies, including clips, grafting knife and blades, as well as full starter kits.
9 Products
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Top-Grafting Clips with Channel – 2.2 mm
Protect and support newly grafted plant stems to aid in healing.
Top-Grafting Clips with Channel – 2.8 mm
Protect and support newly grafted plant stems to aid in healing.
Top-Grafting Clips with Channel – 1.5 mm
Protect and support newly grafted plant stems to aid in healing.
Grafting Support Stakes
Top-Grafting Clips with Channel Accessory
Secure plants in place for proper graft healing.